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The GameOPS Archive

We were young... and innocent way back so site back-ups was not in our list. Guess I accidentally burned a backup CD of the old GameOPS eh? I found a CD containing atleast half of GameOPS' backup and I've already re-posted most of them here on GameOPS' new blog.

Some of the articles I recovered from the backup have Real Video files attached to them. I might re-upload the files on a server or maybe just upload them on YouTube. I remembered encoding those media files on my Intel Pentium 1 233mhz PC on a very low bitrate and every site visitor must stream the videos on their Real Players. Hey, YouTube was just a gleam in its founders' eyes during those days. Today, if you have a video in almost any format, just go to YouTube and boom! Instant video sharing for your websites or blogs. Old school rocks!

If you want to go to a trip down memory lane, then click the links below. These are some of the articles that have been published on the original GameOPS and igad's Video Game e-Zine as early as the year 1999.

January 1997

January 1998

June 1998

December 1998

May 1999

October 2000

November 2000

December 2000

January 2001

February 2001

May 2001

June 2001

These are the articles I have recovered so far as of now October 28, 2008. Let's just hope that I found the other backups (if there are).

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