Pirates 'R Us - Globe Tattoo Tonino Lamborghini

Italy's Tonino Lamborghini s.r.l., owner of the trademark "Tonino Lamborghini", (PDF LINK) issued a statement last August 3rd regarding the unlawful use of their trademark on Globe Telecom's latest 4G broadband service. Apparently, the name "Tonino Lamborghini" was not licensed to Globe Telecom.
BOLOGNA, ITALY-- Tonino Lamborghini s.r.l., an Italy-based company which is the sole lawful owner worldwide of the trademark "Tonino Lamborghini" hereunder wishes to inform its customers that unauthorized people are currently trading online and through Globe stores a "4G Tatto Tonino Lamborghini" broadband stick which is a counterfeited product.
Tonino Lamborghini s.r.l. has never manufactured or authorized anyone to manufacture such a product which constitutes therefore a serious trademark infringement.
Moreover the advertising campaign "Feed your need for speed" featuring Marlon Stockinger, first Filipino to win a formula race in Europe, is deceitful and unlawful since it leads to a serious likelihood of confusion between two different and separate brands and businesses that is to say "Tonino Lamborghini" and "Automobili Lamborghini".
Tonino Lamborghini s.r.l. shall take any legal action to protect the brand.
Yours faithfully,
Dott. Gian Luca Filippi
Tonino Lamborghini s.r.l.
Globe Telecom said that this issue has already been resolved even before Tonino Lamborghini s.r.l. posted this statement on their website yesterday. We've fired an email to Tonino Lamborghini s.r.l. for some clarifications and we're still waiting for their reply.
Globe Telecom successfully launched their HSPA+ service last June in key cities in Metro Manila. The 4G service, called the Tattoo Tonino Lamborghini, features download speeds of upto 10Mbps and is currently one of the fastest residential broadband available.
UPDATE (08/24/2011 9:00PM):
Globe Telecom's Official Statement on the Tonino Lamborghini Press Release
Globe Telecom obtained authorization to use the name and logo Tonino Lamborghini through an agreement with Primo Mobile, the master franchisor of mobile phone related products for the Italian brand Tonino Lamborghini. Primo Mobile is a Singapore-based company that has a master license agreement with Tonino Lamborghini s.r.l. and is duly authorized to sub-license the use of the Lamborghini logo. The design of the Globe Tattoo Tonino Lamborghini 4G USB sticks was reviewed and approved by Primo Mobile.
Globe Telecom assures the public of its strong adherence and commitment to the highest ethical standards in business and good corporate governance. The company will not engage in any activity that will mislead the public in the course of doing business and serving its customers.
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