Trying out a Nintendo DS Emulator

Glen has sent me a copy of the latest no$gba emulator the other week. He said that the latest version of the GBA emulator now features emulation for Nintendo DS ROMS and homebrews.

Here you could see Rocky trying out the New Super Mario Bros. game.

I have a Pentium 4 2.4ghz PC with 1GB of memory and still the CPU usage is maxed out to 100%. Overall, the opening sequence of Super Mario Bros. has glitchy 3D graphics while the gameplay speed is tolerable on my system. Glen reported that his Pentium 3 1ghz PC, the most mutated and stongest p3 PC you could ever see, can barely run the game.
After the brief test, we've deleted the Super Mario game and we won't tell you were we got it :P But instead, you may download homebrew games on
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