Wii - A Year After and 45 new games!

When Nintendo announced the final name of their next-generation console a year ago, I was one of the millions who said, "wtf?! wii?!". A year later, Nintendo proves to all that they are indeed the king of the video game world. After witnessing the self destruction of the PlayStation 3 and the unexplained XBOX 360's 3 red rings of death, Nintendo manages to even capture the hearts of non-gamers with their Wii and DS consoles.
Bloomberg also reported that Nintendo is currently developing 45(!) new Wii and 79(!!) DS titles. Nintendo President Satoru Iwata however said that details and specifics on the games would be revealed later this July. 45 games?! Wow that's a lot of games. I wonder if they would consider buying SEGA after Monolith Soft? :~)
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