Dota Portal Sub Admin died in a street fight

DotaPortal is sad to announce the death of one of it's staff members, sub-administrator OzoneX
This is not easy to say, and it certainly isn't easy to hear. Regardless, it needs to be said, as it involves one of our well known members here at DP; not just a member, but also a subadmin, a leader, an adviser, and a very good friend to many people. I ask that, whether or not you knew, liked, or hated him, that you handle this with the utmost maturity and respect.
The administration of DotaPortal, after due scrutiny, has recently confirmed the death of our former subadmin OzoneX, also known as Atif.
I cannot express to you the amount of shock that this news has brought. If you could imagine a tragedy so massive as to trump out all other tragedies, this is it. The death of one our staff members and most closest community members is staggering.
Many of you may not believe this; most of you will not want to. Loss is hard to understand, and perhaps even harder to understand when that loss is a person you've never had the opportunity to meet. I myself am having trouble accepting this.
We were affirmed of Atif's death by his brother. From what we have gathered from him, Atif's death was due to a street fight he was involved in on April 28th. Exactly how it happened, or why it happened, is beyond our knowledge.
It's impossible to predict how exactly this news will affect you all. For those of you who have known Atif on a personal level, I expect this will come just as shocking and saddening as it did to me. For those who knew him only as a moderator and administrator, perhaps you will see just how influential of a man he was within the days following.
If there is any person here who seeks counseling in this matter, please do not be afraid to console with members of the community or staff. In times like these, it's best to be together than alone. We also must be ready to pick ourselves up again and move on, because that's all we can do.
May he never be forgotten.
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