Level Up! Giving Away Free Game Cash

Level Up! Games will be giving away FREE game cash for Ragnarok, Flyff, Pangya, Freestlye, and Khan game accounts from July 24 upto August 31, 2007. The free giveaway is their way of celebrating their 5th year.
Starting July 24 up to August 31, 2007, Level Up! Games will randomly and secretly insert the following currencies to an active user's (recently logged-in user) game account: 400 Coupons for Flyff, 1,000 Rok Points for Ragnarok, 330 Blingies for FreeStyle, 1,000 Cookies for Pangya, and 250 Tugriks for Khan!
You only need to be an active user or a recently logged-in player to qualify. For Ragnarok players, if you have topped up your game account lately, you are also qualified!
But be sure to log-in and check you game accounts regularly – because the free game cash will only last for 24 hours! Once you receive your game cash, spend it immediately!
Check out the complete mechanics below on how you can qualify in the Level Up! Anniversary Bonanza:
- 1. All active users (those who have logged in at least once from April 18 to July 16 2007) are qualified
2. Accounts created AFTER July 16, 2007 are not qualified
3. For Ragnarok users, there will be an additional qualifier: the user must have
topped up at least once during April 18 to July 16, 2007
4. All qualified accounts will be inserted with game-cash VALID FOR 24 HOURS as per below:
- 400 Coupons for Flyff
- 1,000 Rok Points for Ragnarok
- 330 Blingies for FreeStyle
- 1,000 Cookies for Pangya
- 250 Tugriks for Khan!
5. Unused game cash will be DELETED AFTER 24 HOURS.
6. The dates are secret! So check everyday!
7. Promo Period is from July 24 to August 31, 2007
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