Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath

After the successful release of C&C3: Tiberiun Wars last year, EA decided to have an expansion pack for the game to be release on early 2008.
The expansion game is set in the 20 years of Command & Conquer history, taking players from the end of Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun all the way through 2050 (three years after the events of Command & Conquer 3).
According to EA this game will bridge the gap between Tiberian Sun and Command & Conquer 3, expand on what actually happened during the Third Tiberium War, and then take players into the future--after the events of Command & Conquer 3's story. The arc of this story is epic in scope and the chapters set just after Tiberian Sun will give longtime fans of the series something special.
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