Jeanne D'Arc and Dragoneer's Aria, both are good role playing game, were released last August 21, 2007. Jeanne D'Arc is a strategy RPG and Dragoneer's Aria is a dungeon crawling RPG similar to Blade Dancer.
Happy Gaming ^o^
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An accountant by profession. A cat person who owns a pug. She want to travel the world before she turns 30. If you have tax problems, email her at maestromarice(at)gmail(dot)com
rain contreras
Not a gamer. Gobbles up Japanese post-rock and frilly-dressed pop idols easily in one sitting.
Photographer, engineer, blogger. ♥ Coffee, wine, books, anything Japanese, music, and art
Mia Lopez
23 year old aspiring psychologist currently residing in Belgium, honing her talents to be able to read your mind. A former amateur model and TV celeb in Kuya Germs's Walang Tulugan. She loves singing, painting, long walks, and serial killer documentaries.
Detective OPS
007 agent and GameOPS' licensed troublemaker. He is GameOPS' ultimate source of gaming intelligence and also the Street Fighter sensei of Rocky.
Aja Lapus
Kpop fanboy, gamer, all-around geek, and a sucker for eye-smiles
A hoarder of many things, an aspiring voice actress, and an origami hobbyist.
I'm a techie guy, I love to travel and try new stuff. Adventurous person, love to eat, read manga and anime, playing magic: the gathering, collecting info with the universe, dispersing ghost and evil, and playing video games esp. Vainglory..
ADHD. Bad eyesight. Shy.
JM Taylor
A guy. Tokyo is where he lives. He has a special affinity for animals, yet at the same time, he enjoys eating them. This internal conflict has created in him a profound despair that has torn at every fiber of his existence.
One of the resident geeks at GameOPS as he's into photography, Do-It-Yourself things, gadgets, fitness, cars, etc. He is hooked on RTS games and a self confessed Civilization addict.
Siopao Master
Design engineer during weekdays, photographer, biker, joyrider during weekends.
Rocky is now a married gamer. He is also usually seen playing a 2D retro RPG on his android phone. He holds the record of beating Resident Evil 1 and 2 without a memory card.
Loves Korean and Japanese women. Star Trek and Nintendo Fan. Legend of Zelda and Survival Horror genre games are his favorites. Listens to X Japan and SCANDAL like there's no tomorrow.
Writes codes for a living, shitting rainbows and breeding dragons the rest of the time. Loves taking photos, collecting skulls, reading manga, watching anime, and playing random games. My goal in life is to play every single Tales game.
Nickle Love
I am Nickle from a House in Las Piñas, The First of Her Name. Daughter of God. The Eternal Hobbyist. Mother of Pugs and Greeter of Stray Dogs. The Nocturnal. Binge Watcher of Series, Wannabe Backpacker, Sporadic Reader, Slayer of Constant Hunger, and Learner of New Things.
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