Review: Tales of the World Radiant Mythology

If you are a fan of the "Tales of" series, this one's a keep.
You can choose between a male or a female "descender" and interact with "Tales of" character. One of my favorite is Stahn, I remember him as the lead character of Tales of Destiny and that brings back memories of the Playstation days The game is basically a dungeon crawler / grinding type of RPG with button pressing to execute actions or special moves / spells, which is, the trademark of the series. The voice acting is great and the bg music really makes you feel the game. Spend lots of hours grinding or mastering techniques, collect armor sets or just cook to your heart's delight. Yes, you can cook, forge, refine, create stuff that can help you finish quests or even save your arse during a fierce battle. The only chip on this gem is the repetitive quests that will suck all your gaming hours. Oh well, overall this one's a solid RPG
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