Megumi Sakita - Five Yellow

Remember Fiveman on ABC-5? It was a story of the Hoshikawa family and their heroic acts in saving Planet Earth from the Zone Empire. That was the last Super Sentai series shown in the Philippines that I liked and watched. Why? Because I had a crush on Five Yellow. :~)
Fiveman Opening
In 1970, Doctor Hoshikawa was researching how to transform the planet Sedon into a green, lush world, testing it by attempting to grow flowers. On the day the first flower bloomed, the Zone empire assault on the planet, he and his wife were separated from their five children. Arthur G6 took the five children back to Earth and raised them.
20 years later, the five are now teachers in the same school. The Zone empire now prepares to invade Earth as its thousandth target and as they begin the attack, three vehicles appear and counter the offensive, five warriors descend from the vehicles and confront Zone. The Hoshikawa siblings have been developing the Fiveman technology and training hard upon the possibility of Zone invading Earth. Now the five siblings are ready to battle with the familiar foes as Fiveman. After defeating the Zone empire, the Fivemen departed Earth to recover their stranded parents.
Fiveman Closing
The actress who played Five Yellow / Remi Hoshikawa is Keiko Hayase - Kobayashi and was born on June 3rd 1971 in Tokyo Japan. Keiko is also known as Megumi Sakita, Ryo Narushima, Emiko Hayase, and Keiko Hayashi. She is married to Ryohei Kobayashi (who played Five Black in Fiveman) and has 3 kids. She manages a motorcycle shop in Kyoto together with her husband and also operates a theater in Universal Studios Japan.
Okay that's boring enough and I know you guys are looking for Megumi's (Keiko's) pictures, aka Five Yellow.

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hmm...kaya pala mukhang bagay si five yellow and five blakc, kasi sila pala magkakatuluyan in reality...i still remember that five yellow at five black are twin siblings in five man...