If you've just been dropped and it don't look good, who ya gonna call? A-TA-RI!

Back in early 2007 when it was announced by Sierra Entertainment that they were working on a Ghostbuster video game Jepoy and I automatically got hyped for it even though video games based on movies throughout history was more of a miss than a hit.
It's because we were such huge fans back in the day and knowing later on that the game will be written by the same writers of the movie (Dan Akroyd and Harold Ramis) and that the whole cast will reprise their roles (Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd, Ernie Hudson, and Harold Ramis) this time to give life to their CGI counterparts, it seemed that this game is poised to break that age old perception.
Everything seemed all set until Activision recently signed a merger with Sierra Entertainment's parent company Vivendi Games and dropping the Ghostbusters video game off their lineup which made the game's status suddenly unclear.
Good thing they were picked up by Atari before hitting total obscurity taking over the publishing duties and confirming that a release date is finally set on June 19 for Europe and June 16 for North America on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, and PlayStation 2
Big props to Atari for giving this game a chance. Just remember this coming June guys, don't cross the streams.
(Cross-posted at Reality Bytes)
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