Play with Shoko Nakagawa on Xbox Live!
As of now, Shokotan is online on Xbox Live and is currently playing Street Fighter 4. One of her blog entries also revealed that she's been playing Biohazard 5 (Resident Evil 5), a game Rocky and I will be playing later. :~)
Shokotan's Xbox Live Gamertag after the jump.

Shokotan's Xbox 360 and Biohazard 5

Shokotan's Xbox Live Gamertag - shokommts
Add her if you have the guts to defeat her Fei Long. I just hope I could play with her... you know... on Xbox Live :P
Shokotan's Xbox Live Gamertag after the jump.

Add her if you have the guts to defeat her Fei Long. I just hope I could play with her... you know... on Xbox Live :P
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