Internet and Gaming Credits Now Available Through Globe

Good news to all Internet and Gaming fans! Now, you can also avail of internet and gaming credits straight from your Globe Load retailers nationwide!
Available Internet and Gaming Load via retailer:
ISP Bonanza 50 - Php 50.00
ISP Bonanza 100 - Php 100.00
Mozcom Nitro 50 - Php 50.00
Mozcom Nitro 100 - Php 100.00
Tantra - Php 50.00 / Php 100.00
Warrock - Php 50.00 / Php 100.00
Getamped - Php 50.00 / Php 100.00
Cronous - Php 50.00 / Php 100.00
N-age - Php 50.00 / Php 100.00
Ran Online - Php 50.00 / Php 100.00
Audition - Php 50.00 / Php 100.00
Battle Position - Php 50.00 / Php 100.00
O2 Jam - Php 50.00 / Php 100.00
Dreamville - Php 50.00 / Php 100.00
Supreme Destiny - Php 50.00 / Php 100.00
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