Sexy Poker for WiiWare

You can probably imagine my surprise when I received a Nintendo newsletter with information about their latest WiiWare game called Sexy Poker, published by Gameloft.
“What?! Did I just read the word “sexy” in a Nintendo email? This is blasphemy!”
After being discombobulated for about 16 seconds, shifting my eyes between the Nintendo logo and the Sexy Poker game title in the newsletter, I eventually clicked on the game's link to find out more about it. Here's what Nintendo has on its website concerning Sexy Poker:
Get your pulse racing with a game of strip poker against a selection of six lovely manga style women. Choose the classic Texas Hold'em Poker to be thrilled as the bets increase, or try the Black Jack game mixing chance and strategy. Discover the girls' personality: they'll bluff you! Enter the photo gallery to see and see again the pictures you have unlocked by playing and winning. If you’re good enough, Emi, Sakura and their seductive girlfriends will bet their clothes to stay in the game!
Here's the key portion of that paragraph: they will bet their clothes to stay in the game. Wow. I never thought I'd see something like this on the Wii, considering all of Nintendo's efforts to keep it a family-friendly console. Could this is be part of Ninty's efforts to try to gain some of their lost market share back from Sony and Microsoft?
There is a video uploaded on that shows the Black Jack gameplay. Pretty standard stuff, with typical anime artwork. As for the girls, they are basically just 2D image stills.
For 500 Wii Points, would it be worth it? I'm not so sure about that...
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