End of Eternity (Resonance of Fate) demo

This is kind of old news, but a demo of Sega/tri-Ace's “End of Eternity” (or Resonance of Fate, as it will be called in the west) was released about 6 days ago. I thought it might interest some of you JRPG fans out there.
I hadn't heard about it until the Tokyo Game Show a few months ago, and from watching other people play the demo (there was a long line), it seemed like a pretty slick game with some amazing gun battle RPG action scenes. I've never seen anything like it. Reminds me of John Woo movies (though admittedly, I'm not such a big fan of John Woo).
You can download the demo for the Xbox 360 or the PlayStation 3, but it's only available with a Japanese account, so if you don't have a Japanese account, you'll need to set one up. For PlayStation 3 users, if you want this demo and have a hard time navigating the Japanese screens or have no idea at all how to setup a Japanese account, just follow this link for an excellent video tutorial.
Now once you get your account ready, get into the Japanese PlayStation Store and click on the first of the main icons on the left which has a sign that looks like this: オススメ
You should find End of Eternity there. Alternatively you can go to the third to the last icon that has a lot of kanji and the letters PV (無料体験版・PV). You should find it somewhere in there too.
As for 360 owners, sorry, you're on your own. I don't have a 360 and can't confirm any instructions for that.
Making my opinion based solely on this demo, although the game does look good and the battles look amazing, all the fancy shooting and gun stunts seem a bit repetitive, and I actually got bored of all the John Woo-ness after several enemy encounters. I hope there will be a lot more variety in the battle scenes when the game comes out.
End of Eternity comes out in Japan next year January 28, and some time 2010 for North America and Europe.
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