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Teenager stabs father over FIFA 09

Yup, that's right. Someone stabbed his own dad over FIFA 09. You'd think he was playing Manhunt, or Grand Theft Auto, or Assassin's Creed, or something that involves knives (maybe not Cooking Mama). But no, it was FIFA 09.

So the story goes that last Monday in Italy, 46-year old Fabrizio R. was giving playing tips to his 16 year old son, Mario. An argument ensued, which led Fabrizio to turn off the TV. Mario then walked into the kitchen, grabbed a kitchen knife, and stabbed his dad in the neck.

Fabrizio's wife, Monica B., mentioned that Mario was completely calm when he walked back into the kitchen to clean the knife, and that she did not know what had happened until she saw her husband clutching his neck.

Mario was arrested and his father survived the attack.

The funny thing about this whole matter (although stabbing your own dad is never really funny) is that apparently, his parents had bought him FIFA 09 because they wanted him to stop playing violent video games.

Anti-violent video game activists are going to love this story.

Via: CANOE Technology


  1. Soccer can be really violent... in a subconscious level. LMAO :))

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