God of War III demo goes live on PSN

The demo for God of War III is now available on the PlayStation Network. It is the same demo that was at the 2009 E3, so if you've seen videos of that, there is probably nothing new to see, except of course that YOU'LL actually be able to play it!
I am as of now downloading the demo and it's extremely slow, probably because everyone is trying to download it at the same time. Expect a very long download time at least for today (mine started with an estimated time of 80-90 minutes). You'll need about 2.7 gigs of space on your PS3.
Other notable new demos are Yakuza 3, which is the English version of Ryu ga Gotoku 3, and Heavy Rain, a movie-adventure type game from the makers of Indigo Prophecy (or Fahrenheit, depending which version you are familiar with). I have Ryu ga Gotoku 3 and the demo of Heavy Rain, and I can say that both games are excellent. I recommend downloading the demo of both.
There is also the demo of Darksiders, which boasts 90 minutes of gameplay! That's quite generous for a demo, I think. I haven't heard much about this game, but I will check it out (as soon as I free up some more space on my PS3).
Last but not least, there is the single-player campaign demo of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. This demo (and the game) has been out for quite some time now, but if you have not yet experienced the wonderful awesomeness of this masterpiece (and assuming you have a PS3), there is absolutely no excuse for you to not try this new demo. As a gamer, you owe it to yourself to download it.
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