Big Ass Nintendo Wii or Microsoft's Project Natal?

SM Cinemas has launched their newest cinema today called the SM Winema. Winema or "We Interact with the Cinema" turns moviegoers into human joysticks much like how Microsoft's Project Natal works. Audience will be able to control the elements on screen left or right via waving their arms.
Winema is initially available at SM Megamall with 2 games, an Arkanoid clone and a game that's loosely similar to the Atari porn game Beat 'Em & Eat 'Em.
Winema sounds like a cross between Nintendo Wii and the much anticipated Project Natal's motion controls. Expect SM Winemas to sprout in all SM Cinemas nationwide.
(Video from Flowell; Photo from Azrael)
I prefer Wii, Microsoft has too many returns because of the poor quality.