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Featured Gamer: Tza Gomez

Tza Gomez, one of the well known veteran cosplayers out there proves that looks can be deceiving. At first glance Tza is not the girl gamer type. But if you get to know here better, you will see a true blue girl gamer.

Find out more about her after the jump.

Could you tell us something about yourself? How old are you? Where are you located and what are you currently engaged in?

Hi I'm Tza born on the 18th of July 1986 X3. I have a yorkie terrier named Jun Pyo and 5 cats. I'm from Quezon City. Currently a freelance illustrator/Graphic artist/model.

When was the first time you actually played a video game? What's the name of the game and game system? What or who made you play?

I can't remember my exact age but I know my dad and I bonded in playing Family Computer. My dad actually influenced me in gaming.

Do you own a video game console? If yes, what system? Was it your very fist console? What video game platform do you prefer? (PC, Consoles or Handheld)

I still have my old ps2. hehe And I have a nintendo DS. *since my boyfriend has a Ps3 and buys the games for us* hmm for me, lets say PC and consoles.

What is your favorite video game? Why?

My currently fave game is L4D 1 and 2 I just looove zombie movies and shooting games so when L4D came out it was the perfect game for me. I played it by myself and with friends over and over. XD I also play Sushi academy in NDS hehe the graphics are so cute! in Ps3 my fave game is Dante's Inferno. Its really creepy and graphic but at the same time amazes me. @_@

How about a particular video game character, who's your favorite? Why?

Francis of L4D haha he's bad ass.

Do you play online games? What are your current and all-time favorites? Are you part of a clan or guild? If yes, can you give us some info about your guild?

Yes. I usually play Luna OL every now and then when I feel like seeing cute and candy colored stuff. hehe!

If you were to convince a friend or co-worker to play video games, how would you do it? Would you do crazy stuff just to convince him or her?

Back in the DOTA days, I was able to convince almost all the officers in my org back in college. XD We played it before meetings! I just told them it was fun and that they'll love it if: they like magic stuff + teamwork strategies, or just killing the other officer from the other team. XD

Did playing video games make any difference in your life?

Well yes because it's another way of bonding with my friends and having fun. :)

Do you have any personal video game related story that you can share with us?

uhmm, nothing much *or I just can't remember it now* It just feels great screaming (at the top of your lungs) and laughing with your friends while playing a game XD

Have you ever bought (or played) a pirated copy of a video game?

Yeah around the ps2 era. Just bought one or two I think? Because pirated copies are defective! I can't even finish the game. XD

Any last message you wish to impart to our readers?

Remember to always play fair and be responsible with your actions :)

Any greetings and link-love to your friends?

Hello friends! Thank you for all the fun hehe :D F

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