[Review][PSP]Fat Princess : Fistful of Cake

Fast-paced action and strategic decisions are usually seen on RTS (Real Time Strategy) games on the desktop PC. Titan Studios' Fat Princess have those elements and more, making it a unique gaming experience for the PSP.
Mix medieval theme with the latest internet memes. Add in some multiplayer element and you have here a solid game. The main objective of the game is to rescue the princess from the opposing army by choosing from six classes (The Villager, The Worker, The Priest, The Ranger, The Mage, and The Warrior). But beware, the enemy will do anything to stop you and rescue their own princess.Single player gives you the basics of the game, wherein you learn the ropes of the game mechanics which can be seen on the fifteen chapters. The single player or story mode is rather a cakewalk (pun intended) but the beauty of the game lies on its multiplayer feature. Everything you learned on the story mode can be applied on the different modes in multiplayer. Play against friends online via PSN or locally by choosing from Ad-hoc or Infrastructure. Choose from the six classes and formulate a game plan to achieve the objective. Graphics wise, it may not be a heavy 3D game, but the comic feel compliments the game's satirical theme. The sound added humor due to the comical one-liners or the witty musical score. Overall the comical feel and the unique multiplayer experience makes this game a favorite.
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