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Xbox360 Mods Baby!

Before anything else, let's get this straight, I'm a pure PS3 fan.

But while surfing the net, I came across these great Xbox360 mods that made me go WOW! Damn those Xbox360 users for making my un-modded PS3 look crappy. The details from these mods are just amazing, right down to the last blade of grass. And if you're still not inspired by these pictures, nothing will. Workshop lessons anyone?

Bonus News:
Lost Planet 2 will be shipping the game with some goodies inside of a 2-gallon ice cube across 8 cities in the U.S.
"Capcom's Project Icebox will give people in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, New York, Miami, Boston, Philadelphia and Chicago a chance to get early demo codes and Lost Planet 2 toys" reported Kotaku. Check out the pics below:


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