FRIQIYA: A new digital download publisher and developer based in Tokyo and Dubai

Founded in March 2010 and based in Tokyo and Dubai, I-FRIQIYA is a new company specialized in the development and publishing of video games dedicated to the digital download distribution channels.
I-FRIQIYA is the result of a long thinking process of two professionals of the video game industry, Skander Djerbi and Aroun Ducroux who namely worked at Electronic Arts, Ubisoft and Gameloft. The development core team is composed of talented people who worked on franchises such as Prince of Persia, FIFA, Need for Speed, Assassin’s Creed, Battlefield, Dogz and WWE.
The ambition of the company is to pursue a strategy based on flexible development processes with small teams and to build an editorial policy that combines pragmatic marketing approach and creative game design direction.
The first game to be produced by I-FRIQIYA is FUEL OVERDOSE an action-racing game currently developed by the Tokyo based in-house studio.
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