When Is A Gamer Considered a Gamer?

Our friend Vincent from Back2Gaming has shared a thought-provoking article titled "Why Do You Think You Deserve to be Called a Gamer?". He addresses the rising trend of "self-entitlement" in the gaming community and the blogosphere.
Self-entitlement is not just rampant in the blogging scene, but the gaming world as well. Games have evolved from consoles to pcs to online and even social networks these days provide flash games for the bored. The title “Gamer” has been passed around these days that it has become hard to tag if what they claim is true or not.
Vincent's friend has posted a message on Facebook:
For those who play the games on Facebook and have the balls to call themselves “Gamers” already. We didn’t spend years as social outcasts to watch you assholes fuck this up. WE memorized the ultra combos. WE wrote down pages of passwords. WE defeated the robotmasters, knocked out Tyson, and SAVED THE FUCKING PRINCESS. I know what we are, and you’re NOT.
Take a look at Vincent's thoughts on Back2Gaming and feel free to share your comments, regardless of how strongly worded they may be, in the comments section on B2G's website.
(Video game cabinet picture via Lifehacker)
I kind of agree with this.
ReplyDeleteBut then its like bullying others for the genre they love, casual gaming is still gaming in its rawest form.
I think gamers can now be classified as hardcore or casual.
A thought though, you don't call a person who plays basket ball related video games a basket ball player. You just call them a gamer.
My opinion: If you play (a certain) game/s on a regular basis, you, therefore, can be called a "gamer." But not the "hardcore" type. A casual gamer, maybe.
ReplyDelete(This is common around our office.) You'll know when you're a gamer when--
1. You say, "LOL" when you laugh
2. You shout "I'll PK you" or "Pa Q" or "ASA" when mad, etc
3. When you're about to seat somewhere, you shout, "Spot taken!" and when someone takes over your seat you say, "KS!"
4. You "buff" before entering a heated meeting
5. You think red and blue Gatorate are Mana and Health pots.t
the more gamers are out there, the merrier... just my opinion. XD
ReplyDeleteBut the more games there are, the more crappy it gets. They usually just "remake" the old idea and add a few stuffs in it. Like for example, Worms > Gunbound > Boomz.
ReplyDeleteHey... i like gunbound XD
ReplyDeletethe more gamers are out there, the merrier... just my opinion. XD