Featured Gamer: Mary Grace Roldan

It's that time again when we feature gamers from all walks of life. Our featured gamer for today is a multi-awarded cosplayer who was once addicted to ROSE Online. Everyone, meet Mary Grace Roldan.
Could you tell us something about yourself? How old are you? Where are you located and what are you currently engaged in?
A 23 year old that lives in Valenzuela City. BS in Accountancy Graduate (PUP). A multi-awarded cosplayer since Sept. 2007
When was the first time you actually played a video game? What's the name of the game and game system? What or who made you play?
We had a family computer when we were kids! I love playing Twin Bee! My parents bought it for us siblings to play with. :)
Do you own a video game console? If yes, what system? Was it your very fist console? What video game platform do you prefer? (PC, Consoles or Handheld)
Yes, I have a gameboy advance (pink in color of course. LOL!). I prefer PC games because of its large screen :)

What is your favorite video game? Why?
I was addicted to ROSE online. I love pink characters! I remember playing it for 6 hours straight...
XD I also like logic games like minesweeper. :)
How about a particular video game character, who's your favorite? Why?
I like Chun Li. I always pick her as my character in Street Fighter. XD
She's pretty and tough too!

Do you play online games? What are your current and all-time favorites? Are you part of a clan or guild? If yes, can you give us some info about your guild?
Yes but that some years ago because I focused on my studies. I like Rose Online, Gunbound, and oh Yeah! How can I forget Tantra?! XD
If you were to convince a friend or co-worker to play video games, how would you do it? Would you do crazy stuff just to convince him or her?
I once convinced my friend to play Gunbound and then he liked it... and he became a top player. Yeah, better than me. XD
Did playing video games make any difference in your life?
Yeah, I was always bankrupt. :P
Do you have any personal video game related story that you can share with us?
When i get excited, I shout, "HAAAY NAKO!!!"
If its hard to jump to another area on a game, my body follows like I'm the one who's moving in the game. XD
Have you ever bought (or played) a pirated copy of a video game?
Nope :)

Any last message you wish to impart to our readers?
Have fun playing, but don't forget your studies. :)
Any greetings and link-love to your friends?
Hello to everyone who knows me. XD See you in cosplay events! :)
Ank Sanamun!!! Imotheeeep!