Meet AYAKO, a budding new artist from Eijing Production. She recently released her new single entitled Tanabata.
Tanabata was released March 1st of this year, 2011. It was composed by Eidi Kakuno, an artist from the same production company, and the lyrics where written by AYAKO herself.

On the melody and composition side of it, I really love how this song started off with its soft intro. Although the song gives a tender feeling all throughout, the intro is always something that hits it, for me. It’s not too long, and not too short either. The song as an over all gives you a feeling of anticipation, peace and of a little sweetness. Something like the feeling of a love starting off and slowly changes to a sweet love story experience kind of thing. I can’t really say (because I defnitely can't read/understand Japanese), but I think it’s a song of someone in love with someone (or something). And considering that the title is Tanabata, it’s definitely a love song!
In the case of the singer, AYAKO has a pretty nice voice. Her voice range is pretty high, too, I think. I’m not sure about how high her voice range can reach, and I might be wrong though, but I think she uses falsetto over the course of the entire chorus of the song. It might just be my personal preference, but I’m not fond of the usage of too much falsetto on a song. In this song’s case, it makes the song sound a bit monotonous after the first chorus. I do believe that this song would sound better if she just uses her natural singing voice on it, rather than falsetto and add a bit more power into it.
And lastly, as an overall, I noticed that the background music is louder than the singer’s voice which makes it hard to listen to the song, in which same case that it also makes the repetitive melody very noticeable.
Other than those little details, I like the song in an overall view. It might have a different appeal if I could understand the lyrics. But as for the melody and voice, I’ll probably give this song a 7/10 score.
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