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Subservient Axe Goddesses

Remember the Burger King Subservient Chicken? You type what you want the "chicken" to do and it will obey most commands like sit, eat and jump. It was an advertising campaign to promote Burger King's new chicken sandwich a few years ago. Axe Philippines just launched their own version of this advertising campaign and this is no chickon. Oh no! They're "goddesses" from the land of... whatever.

Basically, it's the same as Burger Kings's Subservient Chicken. You type what you want and the "goddesses" on screen obey most of them. The website is still in its early stages so the commands are limited. Told them to "eat ensaymada" and one of the "goddesses" ate some chips... O_o

Also, no cartwheel guys. Click here to access the Axe Goddess Lounge.


  1. Just click on the bade on the lower left of the video to suggest more commands! The more the merrier!


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