Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 4: Summer Memories (Disaster Report 4)

Picked up an article a few days ago about a game based on the concept of escaping a destroyed city ravaged by a massive earthquake. It's called Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 4: Summer Memories, also known as Disaster Report 4. It was showcased last year at the Tokyo Game Show. The game supports 3D and the PlayStation Move controller.
What I found interesting was that this game was supposed to be released on March 10, 2011. That's a day before the great Tohoku earthquake.
Mid-February 2011, the developer of Zetsumei Toshi 4, Irem, announced that the game's release date of March 10 was to be moved back to somewhere around spring time. But after the events that transpired in Japan on March 11 of this year, the game was altogether cancelled.
Although no official reason was mentioned as to why Zetsumei Toshi 4 was cancelled, it's most likely because it would be inappropriate to release such a game after the disasters that had struck the northeastern region of Japan.
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