Shall we date?:Ninja Love
Recently, I discovered that there are otome games on Android. Yes, you're hearing that right and I'm cross-posting this to Android Pinas, when I'm not lazy. Later, maybe?
Anyway, so I've been playing this otoge called Shall we date?:Ninja Love. This game is one of the those Shall we date? series you'll see around. They're made by NTT Solmare for both android and iphone and is powered by GREE. So you would need to register for GREE before you’ll be able to play the game.
I have a longer post about this game at my blog, but if you prefer a less detailed post, you can read it on here, instead.
Ninja Love, like any other otoge, is 2D dating simulation game where you progress through the story like reading a visual novel. But unlike usual otoge, where the story line depends on the choices or decision you make when situations arise, in Ninja Love, you follow the same story line, only yor Love Meter will gain slower points.
There is also a character level, but it's basically useless due to the fact that you level up just as the story progresses. You will, however, be limited with your progress because you need evergy for each chapter you read. You gain these by either waiting for X number of hours or buying rice balls from the store using in-game money or GREE coins (this is where the business begins). While going through the story, you will also be held back by checkpoints and this time, you need passports to go through. Rice balls are one thing, but checkpoints are really expensive if you would buy them using in-game money and there's no way you'll be able to buy all passports using in-game money by merely farming them. Basically, it's a subtle way of saying, "buy GREE coins" to continue to play.
If you're all into bishie and fan service and you're okay with spending a bit to get it, the game is not that bad for an otoge. :D
Anyway, so I've been playing this otoge called Shall we date?:Ninja Love. This game is one of the those Shall we date? series you'll see around. They're made by NTT Solmare for both android and iphone and is powered by GREE. So you would need to register for GREE before you’ll be able to play the game.
I have a longer post about this game at my blog, but if you prefer a less detailed post, you can read it on here, instead.
Ninja Love, like any other otoge, is 2D dating simulation game where you progress through the story like reading a visual novel. But unlike usual otoge, where the story line depends on the choices or decision you make when situations arise, in Ninja Love, you follow the same story line, only yor Love Meter will gain slower points.
There is also a character level, but it's basically useless due to the fact that you level up just as the story progresses. You will, however, be limited with your progress because you need evergy for each chapter you read. You gain these by either waiting for X number of hours or buying rice balls from the store using in-game money or GREE coins (this is where the business begins). While going through the story, you will also be held back by checkpoints and this time, you need passports to go through. Rice balls are one thing, but checkpoints are really expensive if you would buy them using in-game money and there's no way you'll be able to buy all passports using in-game money by merely farming them. Basically, it's a subtle way of saying, "buy GREE coins" to continue to play.
If you're all into bishie and fan service and you're okay with spending a bit to get it, the game is not that bad for an otoge. :D
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