Globe Telecom's (Un)Fair Use Policy

I have recently stumbled upon the data capping that Globe Telecom has rolled out when I noticed a slow down on my Globe Tattoo Postpaid plan. The time of the slow down? Around 9am.

Long story short the data cap is real.

- If you're going to put a cap on it, why not tell me I'm halfway there not only when I have reached my f***** limit?
- You are selling devices that can share your broadband to others but only have a limit of 1GB. What's up with that?
- The contract I signed for says I agreed to the fact that Globe has the right to change its Terms and Conditions, but did someone from Globe explain to me what are the possible changes?
- 1 GB limit per day or 3 GB per month which ever comes first... Huh?! What?!
- "UNLIMITED INTERNET!!!" Brandished on your ads. Stop being a douche.
Point number one. It's kinda cool that you're sending me an SMS that tells me that I have reached my limit. Why not tell me that whenever I am halfway there just for courtesy's sake?
Point number two. If I get a portable WiFi device from Globe Telecom, I'll be stuck with them for two years. Lets do a little math in a perfect world: If I share my wifi device to a friend we both each have 500MB to use. If there were four of us then its 250MB and if there were 10 users then its 100MB each. The devices that Globe sells can share up to 10 users and hypothetically, if you were in a meeting and there were 10 of you then you would have reached that limit in a few minutes.
Point number three. I know that I have signed up to a contract and they reserve the right to change their FUP. But why didn't they tell me what could happen when I signed up for a plan? When they took my deposit, did I tell them that I can refund it when I changed my mind? The sudden change in FUP without informing subscribers is kind of a douchey move for Globe Telecom. It is deceptive and oppressive in all angles.
Point number four. I called the customer service twice and the first one told me that there was a 1GB limit a day or 3GB per month whichever comes first. Then the second one told me that it was only 1GB per month. What's what Globe? I could have stormed off to a Globe store but I realized that the only use of a Globe store is taking your money off your pocket. If you are to implement this policy, make everything clear. Ano ba talaga?
Point number five. Another deceptive douchey move from Globe Telecom. Unlimited internet should be unlimited. Unlimited is unlimited, it means there is no limit. If you have a data cap, write it in big bold letters, not in the fine print. Call this Globe Tattoo 3GB 4G/LTE plan instead of Globe Tattoo 4G/LTE UNLIMITED. I have read tons of comments from different forums and all are quite annoyed by the FUP changes. Who would not be?
Today's smartphone apps require regular updating and most reach Megabytes in size. 1GB/day might not be enough. What more if you are using a computer?
If I reach my data limit and go down to 2G speeds, can Globe Telecom promise me a consistent GPRS or EDGE speed? GPRS has a maximum speed of 128kbps (16KB/sec) . If you ask me, 128kbps is more than enough for Facebook and other basic internet functions. THAT IS, IF GLOBE TELECOM CAN PROVIDE IT CONSISTENTLY. I bet anyone a million pesos if they can use the Facebook app comfortably at Globe's own version of 2G speeds. If Globe's 3G/4G speeds already suck, what more with their 2G?
In conclusion, 1GB per day is not enough and 3GB per month is just highway robbery. I know that other telecoms around the world offer these plans at a more expensive rate. But let's not forget that we live in a third world country. Throttling down to 2G speeds is just torture and it is quite apparent that Globe has that keen business acumen to alienate customers to the point of switching.
I am not quite worried about the change in FUPs because my contract has expired a long time ago but think about the subscribers that have recently joined Globe Telecom before changing its FUP. Shouldn't they be entitled to an early termination of contract? I think they should be.
And lastly, stop being an asshole, Globe.
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