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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Out of The Shadows (The Non Spoiler Review)

Turtles! Ninjas! Anthropomorphic Turtles that are also ninjas! If you hate them please stop reading. Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael and Leonardo are back with a vengeance! Well sort of.. hmmm not really with a vengeance but they are back!

The first film I had instinctively avoided to watched because it was Michael Bay influenced film and I have this aversion to his body of work(well except for Bad Boys because I am a big Will Smith fan). The first film was really not bad despite the negative reviews and to be honest, it is not a Fantastic Four film. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was not bad but it was not that good. The sequel, well my reasons was different and that reason is that the GameOPS crew had already bought me tickets. So the GameOPS guys got me tickets so as a morally right person, I was obliged to follow the Bro Code. I found myself in the theater watching a supposedly crappy film but I got my foot stuck on my mouth.

The Plot thickens.

The plot is standard action/epic movie fare, I think it is what makes the story gel and they did not try to complicate things with unnecessary sub-plots. The main characters had their moments to shine and the story did not deviate away from a single ninja turtle too much which to me is an essential fulcrum to keep the story going. Classic characters are re-imagined and was reintroduced in this movie(I won't mention their names as this is a non spoiler review) they had their moments but my only caveat is that the director, Dave Green did not leave moments for them to really shine. This made the viewers less invested in the secondary characters and made them more of eye candy than essential to the film( yes Megan Fox your one of them).


How I hoped for the practical effects of the original  films. The CGI in this film is pretty standard, Transformers standard. Had they put more practical effects, more explosion and people dying it might win an Oscar but this movie is your run of the mill standard CGI fiesta.

The Verdict


It seems that I have given Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles a really high rating but yes I did give it a high rating. When watching such films why do people look for things that are not in the movie? I gave it a high rating because it is what it is and it delivered nothing more, nothing less. Anyone who is looking for something deep in a movie filled with talking, ass-kicking turtles that are also ninjas is full of himself. I loved the movie for what it is, a film filled with CGI, jokes and is more of a roller coaster ride. This movie is targeted towards an audience that has an imagination that can be satiated by flights of fancy and not towards people who thinks this is an art film gunning for an Oscar. 

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