First Pokemon Live Action is a Go
Due to the instant success of the Pokemon Go app, Legendary Entertainment is teaming up with The Pokémon Company to make a live-action movie..but not the one we are all expecting.
Deadline posted earlier that Legendary Entertainment and The Pokémon Company (the joint venture of Nintendo, Game Freak and creatures) reached a deal to create the first live action. The movie will be based around Detective Pikachu, a character in the Pokemon universe that was introduced through a video game in Japan. The plan is to begin production next year, with Universal distributing in territories outside Japan, through its overall deal with Legendary.
Instead of basing from the Pokemon game we all got used to or to the recently successful augmented reality game Pokemon Go, it will based on a Pikachu that drinks coffee and flirts with women.
This is the only acceptable live action Pokemon movie.[post_ad]
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