Gunbound Philippines Is Back!

Gunbound Philippines' "Grand Opening" was launched June 24, 2016, Philippine Time (GMT+8).
Gunbound Philippines was shut down way back in 2009. It was once published by one of Philippines' biggest game publishers, Mobius Games, back in the day.
I used to play this game way back while I was in College. I would skip class and play in an Internet cafe near our school. (Guys, please do not imitate me. You do not want to repeat a course because of it.)
[post_ad]Gunbound is a game that is very similar to the old DOS game, Worms. It's a turn-based artillery strategy game where you where you pick an avatar, enter a room and wait for your opponents. As soon as the slots are full, you will be transferred to the battle area where you shoot each other's avatar until all of your enemies goes down.
Shooting is not so easy because you need to find the right angle on where your opponent is, and you also have to consider several things such as terrain condition, wind currents and other elemental force things. You can also change the look of your avatars, pick a tank that you would ride on. Tanks has different abilities such as attack, defense and also it's range.
It's a really fun game to play!
Gunbound website:
Gunbound Facebook:
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