ibtimes.com |
Niantic CEO John Hanke has confirmed that Pokemon GO's next update might already be trading. He stated that trading " It's kind of a core element".
gamestop.com |
The Trading feature has always been a fan favorite among Pokemon fans. It not only provides interaction among fans but it has also resulted in getting rare Pokemon's
wifflegif.com |
Other new features include enhancements with Pokéstops and Gyms, the landmarks where players restock on items, gain experience, and battle each other for control.
Right now, Pokemon Go only exist in it's "very most basic versions," Hanke says, but players will be able to "customize their functions in other ways."
john hanke / bizjournals.com |
There will also be a global leadership scoreboard for Pokémon players to see who's the very best. Boosting competitiveness for the game. A rumor has also been stated that the top 4 in the leaderboard will become the new "Elite 4"
Lastly, Hanke says that there's going to be major improvements on the game's augmented reality. The AR technology, which uses your phone's camera to make it look like Pokémon's are right besides you.
coub.com |
He says that this was "great first step," and there will be lots of updates soon.
We are very excited with the updates but more than trading we all know that battle is the feature we really want.
Give us battle, Niantic!
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