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Havendock: The Newest Cozy Colony Sim Game to Hit Steam

Solo game developer YYZ has created a new game that is sure to appeal to fans of colony sim games. Havendock, released on April 20th in Steam Early Access, offers players the opportunity to build their own settlement in the middle of an ocean and create a peaceful asylum for themselves and other castaways.

In Havendock, players can research new technology, farm, fish, cook, dance the night away, build infrastructure, and explore islands and the ocean floor for new resources to scale up their base and increase production. The game has been compared to the popular game Raft, but in reverse, as players do not have to fight off sharks.

The game's demo has already been played by over 100,000 players and has been listed as the #5 fastest-growing upcoming Early Access game on Steam, with gamers praising its unique take on the colony sim genre.

Havendock offers a unique and peaceful gaming experience that is perfect for players looking for a relaxing escape from the chaos of their daily lives. The game's colorful graphics and serene setting are sure to leave players feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

To download Havendock, visit the Steam store at and start building your own wholesome haven today.

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