Massive Data Breach Exposes Over 1M Records from NBI, PNP, and Other Philippine Agencies
A shocking revelation has been made by vpnMentor, a leading cybersecurity research company, regarding a massive data breach that has exposed more than 1 million records belonging to various Philippine law enforcement agencies. The data breach has led to the compromise of sensitive information, including police employee information, putting millions of Filipinos at risk.
The breach has affected several state agencies, including the Philippine National Police (PNP), National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), and Special Action Force (SAF). The exposed records include highly sensitive data such as fingerprint scans, birth certificates, tax identification numbers (TIN), tax filing records, academic transcripts, and passport copies, among others.
The breached government documents were found in an unsecured, non-password-protected database, which was over 817.54 GB in size, and were "readily accessible to individuals with an internet connection." Jeremiah Fowler, the cybersecurity researcher who authored the report, recommended that a full forensic audit be conducted to assess the extent of the breach.
This massive data hack has raised concerns about national security issues and potential malicious activities targeting members of law enforcement, including identity theft, phishing attacks, and blackmail schemes. It is essential that immediate action is taken to address this data breach and prevent any further damage.
(via: vpnMentor)
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